SAP users know the deadline: Customers must migrate to the S/4HANA database by the end of 2025. SAP HANA brings substantial benefits to organizations, from cost-savings to enhanced business decision-making.
Theoretically, eight years seems like plenty of time — no reason to worry about migration now, right? There are so many challenges and issues that must be handled today!
But smart organizations know that SAP systems are mission critical. There is no room for downtime or error, and the risks of waiting to migrate are real. A limited number of firms have the expertise to perform the migrations, and as the deadline nears, available resources may become scarce.
S/4-HANA Improves Data Storage and Analysis
S/4-HANA is a new ERP platform from SAP. The core ERP application (finance, sales, accounting etc.) is now completely digitalized and runs on the SAP HANA database. Data is stored and analyzed differently than on SAP’s older ERP systems.
REALTECH often conducts a proof of concept of the results that a specific business will reap with SAPHANA. The results consistently show measurable increases in data analysis efficiency and identify the potential to yield even greater intelligence.
Why Plan for S/4-HANA Now
The time to make plans for your company’s conversion to SAP S/4HANA is now. Thousands of SAP customers need to make this conversion within the next eight years. Depending on whether you are a potentially new SAP customer or a mature business with a heavily customized SAP environment, there are different paths to take on the path to S/4-HANA. REALTECH helps businesses understand whether a fresh installation or a conversion of their existing SAP environment makes better sense for them.
Waiting runs the risk of missing the opportunity for a well-planned and executed process. REALTECH’s expertise includes planning, sizing, and execution of the migration to ensure optimal results.
Yes, migrations require a significant investment; licensing fees, process decisions, and migration timelines must be considered. Many businesses are hesitant to take the leap for fear of the unknown and resistance to change. The proof of concept by REALTECH can help build the business case for the return on that investment and set proper expectations. Connect with REALTECH today to learn how to reduce the complexity in S/4-HANA projects and help your business realize the value of S/4-HANA.