Change Automation – Continuous Testing. Two powerhouses in DevOps come together to give you an integrated process like never before. The companies’ intelligent solutions automate both change and testing workflows from start to finish, enabling customers to focus on what they do best: innovating and growing their businesses while reducing costs and improving productivity. With our combined offerings, you can take advantage of all the benefits of software as a service (SaaS) without any capital expenditures or long term commitments.
So why should you automate your SAP change process? Without the obvious reasoning of wanting to reduce your workload and focus on more important tasks, automating your process reduces costly risks which in turn pays for the solution(s) themselves. Did you know to back out an error from Production can cost as much as $10,000 total cost? That is A LOT of manual effort that could be avoided.
Another reason to automate with tools is to save time. Solutions like these have saved up to 50,000 total hours annually for corporations that they would’ve spent manually testing or moving transports through their landscapes.
If these sound like issues you’d like to remedy, then check out this incredible integration between WorkSoft Automated Testing software and REALTECH SmartChange Transport Manager. A fully integrated, and complete solution that moves your transport through your landscape while also syncing with Worksoft Testing Automation and IMPACT Analysis.
A complete end-to-end process that notifies you within the tool, without the headache of spreadsheets, emails, and manual changes. If you’d like more information on these solutions and their integration, please reach out to us at [email protected] to see a live demo of the integration in action.